Why do we need a new
World Confederation for Jiu-Jitsu?
Jujitsu being an original Japanese Martial Art, originating from the old Budo philosophy and real fighting ability from the old Samurai time, has been extremely fragmented in recent years’ sports development. Jujitsu has also been used for individual personal financial benefits as well as an individual unhealthy and unethical expression of personal ego and individualism.
Jujitsu as a modern sport, within the international sports community, was actually developed in Europe during the last part of the 1970th. Today it is predominantly a combat sport without integrating the ethical, moral and cultural values emanating from old Japanese Budo. Used in a correct way the same educational aspects for human character development can be used within jujitsu as expressed and executed by different jujitsu and traditional Budo masters.
Therefore we, the undersigned founders of WJJ, World Jiu Jistu – Jiu Jitsu for All, will enhance the future development of jujitsu in line with the Sports Discipline and Sport for All movement. This as an alternative to the focus on elite athlete achievements, but with maintaining both physical and technical ability and encompassing the element of personal human physical development as well as mental and moral development.
Further we believe that jujitsu can contribute to the Sports Discipline and the Sport for All movement as well as the Peace and Sport movement, helping developing countries to get sporting activities for both personal and physical human development without high costs for equipment and sport facilities.
We, the undersigned founders of WJJ, World Jiu Jistu – Jiu Jitsu for All, today 30th July 2013, have founded a new International Sport Federation, the World Jiu Jitsu (Confederation) with the ultimate aim and goal to contribute to the general development of real serious Martial Art and also to be an integrated part of the international sports community. The WJJ is legally incorporated and registered under the name of World Jiu Jitsu Confederation with legal seat at Viale Bussolino 7, Casteggio, Pavia, Italy, following its legal statutes and constitution and the law of the specifically chosen district and country. WJJ will further also have the vision ofachieving its goals of being an essential part of the international sports movement, but also maintaining the real moral and cultural values of serious Budo and Martial Arts.
Casteggio, Pavia, ITALY 30th July 2013